Following Natural Laws – Eliminating Arbitrariness
Lightweight, wide-span structures are highly susceptible to wind loads. The need for a profound understanding of wind and structural dynamics and decades of research have made SL Rasch a pioneer in wind engineering. Design-related and economic aspects on the one hand and modern, high-strength materials on the other are constantly pushing the limits of what is technically feasible.
We have verified highly complex computational fluid dynamics models by means of physical tests, such as wind tunnel trials and extensive field experiments. This enables us to use fluid-structure interaction simulation as a design and engineering tool.
The scientific design approach SL Rasch takes to its work is applied to the use of materials as well: fine grain steel, for instance, is four times stronger than ordinary structural steel, permitting very slender umbrella arms and compact details.
Structural Engineering
Liveable and lively spaces for people
SL Rasch GmbH has its roots in lightweight construction. The optimal forms and structures have to be developed computationally, but their stability also has to comply with the applicable standards. SL Rasch undertakes both the structural engineering for all classic service phases and project-specific subtasks and development assignments.
At SL Rasch, architects and structural engineers work hand in hand – the planning and implementation of complex structures like the carbon fibre composite ring bridge in Mecca simply would not be feasible otherwise.
Our software solution »SL Design Program Suite« delivers the significant benefit of being able to design and analyse complex three-dimensional lightweight structures such as grid domes, cable nets, membrane and shell structures. Based on information about the elastic properties of every single element and precise data on the geometry, the membrane structure can be tested and optimised as a virtual prototype taking future loads into account. Of course, we use modern planning methods such as BIM (Building Information Modelling) to do justice to our holistic approach.
SL Rasch benefits just as much from its many years of experience with interdisciplinary collaboration as it does from using the latest BIM environments.
Research and Development
In-house simulations for safety and comfort
Simulation of climatic conditions
With our in-house developed CFD tools, climatic conditions can be simulated and comfort indicators can be predicted. These can be different actual and apparent temperatures, relative humidity, CO2 concentration or odour dispersion in the air. The results are in turn incorporated into our design and evaluation processes.
In projects where pedestrian flows have to be planned in advance for safety reasons, we develop special crowd management simulations with our in-house software solution PEDflow. They are used to validate new architectural and functional design layouts. The software is used in the analysis of places where large numbers of people gather, such as places of pilgrimage, conference centres, train stations, museums or sports and music venues. Another area of application is the evacuation of aircraft, ships or trains.